Expertise in Professional Sport
The UISC is supporting as a network of experts and a center for professional sport and injury prevention the development and the services of the TrainAndMeet platform with the expertise of its team of coaches and its network of experts as well as with its advisory boards well established in competitive sport and experienced in optimizing the training process of national team members of different countries as well as athletes in amateur sport.
The main focus from the network of experts and the advisory boards is on health in connection with training process optimization, injury prevention, training efficiency and time optimization as well as of course performance improvement.
The fields of expertise are in areas like sport- and training science, biomechanics, video- and motion analysis, injury prevention through athletic training as well as preventive physiotherapy, nutrition optimization, sport psychology or sport psychotherapy to name just some important areas.
Experts & Advisors
Dr. Oksana Dolgopolova
Pediatrician specialized in
sport medicine | Injury Prevention
Mag. Michael Ruis
Athletic training | Injury Prevention | Training optimization | IT-Strategy
Neil Chesterton
Video & Motion Analysis | Training performance improvement
Andrey Teterin
Soloist of the Vienna State
Opera Ballet | Strength training

Prof. Baca
Head of the Center of Sport Science USI Vienna
Prof. König
Head of the nutrition department at USI Vienna
Mag. Andreas Vock
Head of the BSPA trainer education | Vienna

Roman Pallesits
Physiotherapy | Injury Prevention
Mag. Christina Lechner
Psychology | Professional sport
DI MSc Elisabeth Pölleritzer
Psychotherapy | Professional sport